Planning a trip to Kauai? Learn about Kauai from local Kauai writers. Fun stories, events and things to do on Kauai.

7 Things To Do on Kauai with Teens
You're traveling to Kauai with a teenager... planning an entertaining agenda can be tough, but not on Kauai. There are so many amazing, teen-friendly adventures to embark on. Here's what I recommend:

A Culinary Romp Through Paradise
On the east side of island is Ein Rogel Farm. A 26-acre sustainable…

A Garden Walk of Historical Artifacts on Kauai
If you have an interest in Hawaiian artifacts, a trip to…

A Kauai Christmas Vacation
So you are on Kauai for Christmas. Maybe you want to get a little…

Activities and Things to Do on Kauai
When you think of Kauai, the first things you think of may be…

Adventures on the South Shore of Kauai: Must-Dos
The South Shore of Kauai is a beautiful place to be year-round. This is where sunshine can usually be found, along with a handful of picturesque beaches and plenty of adventures to embark on. I composed a small list of absolute must-dos while on this side of the island... enjoy!

Aloha Kauai Twenty Years After Iniki
Today marks the twenty year anniversary of Hurricane Iniki. Winds…

Aloha Oe Coco Palms – mahalo…mahalo very much
Made famous by Elvis and Blue Hawaii, most of us who grew up…

Banana Joe’s Local Kauai Fruits
A bright yellow Hawaiian hale sits off the highway to your left…