A Kauai Christmas Vacation

So you are on Kauai for Christmas. Maybe you want to get a little tree for the
family—but all of your decorations are back on the mainland! You don’t want to go
crazy and buy a bunch of the same things you have back at home! What a dilemma.
Here is what we did one year. We searched through Kauai’s unique and fun souvenir shops and craft fairs to get our goodies.

Seriously, it was a cute tree!Kauai Christmas Tree

  • One string of lights (Long’s Drugs)
  • Two clumps of key chains including surfboards, ukulele, palm trees (they come in bunches of 7 to 10)
  • Lei—various types
  • Flowers for the hair

Kauai Christmas DecorationsPut it all together and Voila’! You have a fun, nicely decorated Kauai Christmas tree containing knick-knacks to take back to the mainland to give to friends, co-workers, nieces, nephews, cousins and anyone you may have forgotten. “Oh, we brought this little key chain from Kauai, just for you.”We rounded out the tree with a few distinctive Hawaiian ornaments from Hilo Hattie’s in Lihue. Those we took home for ourselves.

Living here more full time now, we are collecting some unique Christmas treasures and the tree has more traditional decorations—but we still have two keychains—for family tradition.