Kapaa Town Salutes our Veterans

The skies above Kauai Today were filled with grey clouds, a little thunder and the occasional flash of lighting, but that didn’t stop the hundreds of participants and spectators from lining the street of downtown Kapaa to take part in Kauai’s 43rd Annual Veterans Day Parade. Rain or shine local families and visitors lined the sidewalks with beach chairs and umbrellas reserving spots for good viewing.

The parade began at the south end of Kapaa and concluded at the Kapaa Town Park.  Preceding the parade, Kauai Classic Cars led by president Richard Aki honked and threw candy to smiling spectators with a colorful assortment of vintage cars. The Kapaa Junior ROTC led the Posting of the Colors and the official start of the parade.

A special Horse-drawn carriage, provided by Dr Christopher Lyden, carried honored veterans Command Sergeant Major Johnny Rabasa and First Sergeant J.Q Smith, the co-Grand Marshals of this year’s parade and festivitiesCommander Sergeant Major Johnny Rabasa and First Sergeant. Next came the colorful procession of community groups, Boy Scout Troops, High School Marching Bands, Korean War Veterans, US Coast Guard, active military marching units, and members of county government walked in support of our veterans.

The music, laughter and an outpouring of community support lit up the faces of the crowds while the abundance of Aloha Spirit cleared the sky’s for an enjoyable rain-free morning in Kapaa. Keiki Hula Dancers helping honor VeteransThe parade festivities continued at Kapaa Town Park with Master of ceremonies William Honjiyo directing a formal program honoring our Kauai veterans. The National Anthem was sung by Christine Calzado and  Mayor Bernard Carvalho presented proclamations and a plaque honoring the Vietnam Era Veterans  to be showcased at the Kauai Veterans Center in LIhue.

Mahalo to all the supporters of this years 43rd Annual Veterans Day Parade. For more information on upcoming events for Veterans Day contact Aida Cruz at the Kauai Veterans Center or call 808 246-1135.