Waimea Historic Walking Tour

Waimea Hawaiian ChurchWhat a treat to learn more about the historic town of Waimea from a woman who grew up in the area. This tour is available Mondays at 9:30am, and is about 3 hours long.  The first hour of the tour takes place inside the West Kauai Technology and Visitor’s Center, which is easy to find along the highway, at the corner of Waimea Canyon Road.  This is where you sign in and meet your guide.  The hour is spent going through artifacts and old photos.  There are chairs around the museum area, in case you need to sit for a bit.  The information would be fairly standard, except for Puna, the charming guide with a great sense of humor!

There is so much information in the fairly short session.  Who are the pioneers of the Waimea area?  What are the attitudes of the modern descendants of the ancient Hawaiian people? How did they regard the land, the aina? What happened when the native people encountered Western civilization through the sailing ships and missionaries who arrived Hawaii?

West side Waimea Pier KauaiThere were no mosquitoes on Kauai before the European sailors emptied their brackish water containing mosquitoes and larvae into the local rivers!

In case you were wondering about the strenuousness of the walking portion of the tour, our group included a spunky 91 year old lady from Chicago. She led the pack most of the way.

The walk took us past rebuilt churches and businesses damaged in hurricane Iniki.  The tour will take you through a garden of beautiful orchids and hibiscus in all the colors of a rainbow.

Old Waimea TheaterWe heard humorous stories to entertain us along the walk. The uncomplicated way of life Puna described made everyone wish they had grown up in the Waimea Valley of Kauai.

If you wish to take this Monday morning tour, it is free, but you have to call

808 338-1332 to make a reservation.

Don’t forget the  Waimea Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremonyand the  Waimea Town Christmas Parade