“Big Wednesday” Hawaii could see largest waves in decades

big wednesday 032

Looking down the Na Pali from Hanalapiai Trail

Aloha #BIGWEDNESDAY Buoy #1 200 miles NW of Kauai is showing open ocean swells of 29.2 feet at 17 sec intervals and building with a 30 knot NW wind moving in the same direction= big waves coming!

Hanalei Pier Big Surf

Hanalei Pier

Lumahai Beach

Lumahai Beach

A little too close for watching these epic waves

big wednesday 145

Hanalei Bay – Where is th beach?

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Hanalei Pier

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Looking toward Hanalei from Kilauea Road


10:00 am update Buoy #1 indicating building swell now at 31.2 feet at 17 second interval being bolstered by a 30+ knot NW wind..even bigger waves on the way!

Iphone video at 8:30am of waves arriving at Kilauea Lighthouse, Kauai’s northern most point

Big Wednesday Queens Bath

8:00am at Queens Bath below Princeville bluff. Mahalo Paul Frazier

Aloha #BIGWEDNESDAY Buoy #1 200 miles NW of Kauai is showing open ocean swells of 29.2 feet at 17 sec intervals and building with a 30 knot NW wind moving in the same direction= big waves coming!

Stormy waves rolling into Hanalei Bay!

2014.01.22 Wednesday morning 7:30 am Overlooking Hanalei Bay surf break towards Lumahai and Napali Coast

A 48 hour countdown to possibly the largest swell to hit Hawaii in decades, being categorized as “damaging surf” by the National Weather Service projected to generate waves with 50+ foot faces!!

Will post more images images on Wednesday!

Kauai North Shore

1970’s shot of sailboat leaving Hanalei during a early north shore swell. Photo taken by Gregg Laforge

Big Surf Hawaii Kauai


5 replies
  1. Donna
    Donna says:

    We visit often. Thanks for sharing these photographs and video!

  2. Sue
    Sue says:

    Hello, I Love the pictures and information you provide.
    My family visit Kauai in Oct 2009…Thank you :)

  3. Nelson
    Nelson says:

    I lived in Hawaii for 12 years in the 70s and 80s, my family still lives on Maui, I am always interested in the ocean conditions around the Islands..☺

  4. Grace Duclae
    Grace Duclae says:

    where is the legend for the map?? ^_^

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