Banana Joe’s Local Kauai Fruits

Banana Joes Kilauea Fruit Stand A bright yellow Hawaiian hale sits off the highway to your left as you are heading up the road towards Princeville or Hanalei.  An unassuming sign heralding “Banana Joe’s” is visible on the side of the driveway.  It is a classic, old-fashioned fruit stand you don’t want to miss! Ten years ago was the first time we went inside Banana Joe’s to find a perfect white pineapple.  It is a special dessert pineapple that only grows in the summer—usually.  We found so many fun things in the little market we almost forgot the pineapple!Kauai Jack Fruit
They have local produce with strange sounding name like rambutan, lychee, and jack fruit plus many others.  They also carry multiple types of bananas—well, it is Banana Joe’s!  There are also jams, syrups and fresh made smoothies.  You’ll find local citrus from lemons to pomelo. The fun thing is that they never mind explaining all the different things they carry.  “This tastes sort of like….”  or “That might be a little tart.”

There was one farmer who had some of the white pineapple in November.   They knew.  They know quite a bit about Kauai and keep on top of things growing around the island.  After 25 years in business they have made a place for themselves among local people and visitors alike.
Kauai Jackfruit TreeLook around outside.  You might see some of those exotic treats growing on the trees!
One of our first stops when we arrived ‘on island’ was Banana Joe’s to stock up on fresh fruit and vegetables.   Now that we are living here, we make sure we take guests to the little yellow fruit stand for local color and island specialties.